Lockheed Martin leads the way for Arkansas’ defense manufacturing industry

Aerospace & defense exports make up more than 15% of the state’s total exports.

Lockheed Martin leads the way for Arkansas’ defense manufacturing industry

Aerospace & defense exports make up more than 15% of the state’s total exports.

$200 million
Annual arms & ammunition exports value 

Arkansas aerospace and defense industry manufacturing
● 144 companies 
● 8,866 total employees 
● 5,952 employees directly engaged in products, parts manufacturing
● Average wage: $32.86/hour

Lockheed Martin
● Employs 1,000 people, contributes $300 million in supplier commitment to the state
● Camden facility established in 1978, home of the Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) production program
o $142 million investment for new construction, improving existing facilities, increasing and diversifying production capacity
o 85,000ft2 expansion supports increased production capacity for Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) Missile Segment Enhancement advanced air defense missile
o Camden is home to Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) and High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS)
o Camden also manufactures PAC-3 defense missile and elements of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) weapon system

Source: Aerospace & Defense Report | Arkansas Economic Development Commission (arkansasedc.com)

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