Immersive Wisdom awarded Air Force contract for digital war room software

AFWERX contract with matching funding from three DOD commands accelerates worldwide scaling of Immersive Wisdom's Low-Bandwidth and No-Bandwidth Digital War Room collaboration software
Immersive Wisdom, Inc.

Immersive Wisdom, Inc., provider of a proven TRL-9 distributed communications and ops center software platform for Digital War Rooms in Denied, Degraded, Intermittent, and Limited-Bandwidth (DDIL) environments has been awarded an AFWERX STRATFI contract, with matching funding from three Department of Defense Commands, for its No-Bandwidth and Low-Bandwidth collaboration software.

This major STRATFI contract, led by AFWERX and Air Combat Command, further accelerates the worldwide cross-DOD use of Immersive Wisdom software to support disaggregated communications in contested environments.

“Three distinct DOD Commands participating in this STRATFI is a significant testament to the critical need for Low and No-Bandwidth communications capabilities across DOD,” said Mike Appelbaum, CEO of Immersive Wisdom. “We are delivering Digital War Rooms worldwide that connect geographically distributed warfighters, closing massive time and distance gaps, regardless of underlying communications infrastructure.”