Immersive Wisdom, Inc.
Immersive Wisdom, Inc., provider of a proven TRL-9 distributed communications and ops center software platform for Digital War Rooms in Denied, Degraded, Intermittent, and Limited-Bandwidth (DDIL) environments has been awarded contracts by Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) and Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) for its No-Bandwidth and Low-Bandwidth collaboration software.
PACAF and AFSOC contracts leverage Immersive Wisdom's $25MM Air Combat Command IDIQ sole-source SBIR Phase III purchasing vehicle that extends through 2029, further accelerating the worldwide cross-DoD use of Immersive Wisdom software to support disaggregated communications in contested environments.
Immersive Wisdom was also recently awarded a major AFWERX Strategic Funding Increase (STRATFI) contract, led by Air Combat Command, which directly integrates with the new PACAF and AFSOC efforts. Significantly, ACC, PACAF, and AFSOC units can now seamlessly collaborate in Ultra-Low Bandwidth Digital War Rooms using the same standard Immersive Wisdom software which is immediately available across all commands.
"Building on our ACC efforts, we are now delivering critical Low and No-Bandwidth communications capabilities to PACAF and AFSOC," says Mike Appelbaum, CEO of Immersive Wisdom. "We're providing Digital War Rooms that connect geographically distributed warfighters across the theater and back to CONUS, closing massive time and distance gaps, regardless of underlying communications infrastructure."